Order | Sanity & Success Package

Our two most popular
(and successful) programs
combined -- a single package to create a more peaceful family life.

Sanity School® Training
+ Group Coaching (12 months)

Save 49% with Package Rate
($197 + $107/mo. starting next month)

Get the best of ImpactParents at an affordable 'package' price. Combine training (the information and strategies you need) with group coaching personalized coaching and support) to make the changes you want in your family!

Sanity School® for Parents 

Sanity School® for Parents radically improves the lives of families with complex children and teens. Research has proven that with this reality based training, parents of complex kids become calmer and more confident, and their kids become more successful.

  • Lifetime Access to virtual training
  • 6 Classes available for watching or listening
  • Workbook/journal with interactive exercises

Group Coaching - 12 months
Parent Success System (PSS)

Maximum support for reducing stress to create a smoother family life at home. Group Coaching helps you handle your family's personal challenges with calm and confidence. You'll be guided to teach your child self-management, so they can take control of their own challenging issues over time, as appropriate.

  • Two live, 60 minute coaching calls each month
  • Recordings of all coaching calls for later listening
  • Parenting Success Workbook & Journal to reinforce skills and track your progress
  • Choose your group based on your schedule & the age of your child, teen, or young adult

Twice monthly access to Office Hours calls (one hour sessions) with Elaine or Diane -- open to all members. Attend live. Get laser coaching on your specific issues, gain insights from coaching of other parents, reinforce what you're learning, and end your isolation.

Meet with your Care Consultant as much as you need for additional support. Get accountability to help you stay on track. 

Weekly accountability emails. Get updates, links to articles, and additional tips in a reliable way that will support you throughout the program. 

Access our private members-only online forum. Get support from other parents like you and guidance from Impact coaches — in a confidential community. 

Access to the Impact Parents Webinar Library (70+ expert webinars), and more... 

“Finding ImpactParents was a tremendous help for my family. Joining Elaine & Diane’s coaching calls completed the package. Having someone share tools for coping with parenting challenges, along with keeping me accountable to put them into practice, has been very helpful. It’s also very reassuring to hear that I’m not the only one experiencing challenges.

ImpactParents fits our needs above and beyond what I could have ever imagined! Without it, I don’t know where we would be now.”

Jennifer B, GA

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Payment Details:
If you know this is for you but it is not financially within your reach, please inquire about our scholarship fund. Since the beginning of Impact in 2011, our commitment has been clear: we never want lack of funds to interfere with ANY parent's ability to learn the coach-approach.
Send us an email: TheTeam@ImpactParents.com
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ImpactParents, LLC Guarantee, Terms and Conditions:

*We do this because we love seeing parents and their kids succeed. It is an extraordinary experience to watch parents transform their families and empower their kids. And we are 100% committed to your success. If you participate in the group coaching program, attend calls for three consecutive months, implement a minimum of three strategies, but still don’t feel you are seeing the benefit, then we will work with you 1-on-1 to figure out what’s missing and what it will take to help you get results. If that still doesn’t work, after three months you may end your group coaching membership and convert the balance of your agreement into additional private coaching. For your convenience, your monthly membership will continue after thirteen months until you direct us to stop payments (email TheTeam@ImpactParents.com). Your commitment is important to the success of this program and there are no refunds for non-participation.
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* By submitting this form you agree that ImpactParents may send you emails with newsletters and occasional information about events, updates and special offers, as well as occasional text messages or phone calls. You can change preferences or unsubscribe at any time. The information you provide will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
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