Masterclass | Yikes -- Is My Kid Going to Make it as an Adult?!

Early Bird Pricing: $45 $35
(only good thru March 24)

Do you want -- more than anything -- to feel confident that your kids can become independent adults?

Do you want to make sure you’re doing the “right” things to make that happen?

If you’re stuck in daily tension in the home. Batlling over school or responsibilities;
or if you feel like you’re constantly managing (or even micro-managing) your child, teen or young adult instead of helping them take ownership of themselves …

... then is it time to help your kiddo move up the independence ladder?

When you’re raising a kid with complex issues like ADHD, anxiety, autism, dyslexia, or similar challenges, it’s hard to know what will really work to foster your kid’s sense of ownership.

But with decades of experience supporting thousands of parents around the world, the coaches of ImpactParents can help you with that.

This masterclass will walk you through ImpactParents’ Independence Pyramid,
a powerful framework to help parents shift from directing to collaborating,
from enabling to supporting, from micromanaging to guiding kids toward self-management and independence – without constant tension and power struggles.

90 minute Master Class
in Parenting for Independence:
Yikes -- Is My Kid Going to Make it as an Adult?!
Attend LIVE or watch the recording

Early Bird Pricing: $45 $35
(only good thru March 24)

Taught By ImpactParents' Co-Founders:

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Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC, CPCC is a Master Certified Coach and co-founder of the global resource for parenting neurodiverse kids, The co-creator of Sanity School®, an essential neuro-informed coach training for parents, she is passionate about guiding parents of complex kids and the professionals who support them to understand their kids (of all ages) well enough to guide them to understand and manage themselves. A mom to four complex young adults, she is the author of Parenting ADHD Now! and The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and More and the host of the Parenting with Impact podcast.

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Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC, PCC is a professional coach, speaker, author, and educator with 20 years of corporate leadership experience. She is the co-Founder of, a global resource for parents of neurodiverse kids, and co-creator of Sanity School® Behavior Training program for Parents. The co-host of the Parenting with Impact podcast, she is an experienced leader, expert in change management, and all-around life-guide, Diane helps clients create deep, sustaining change and open their eyes to life. And no one needs this more than parents of complex kids.


Is this a live event?
This session will be live on March 31 from 2:00 - 3:30 PM EST. The replay recording will be available to watch and listen at your convenience!

How long is the session?
A total of 90 minutes, the class is 60 minutes, followed by a 30 minute Q&A period.

How long can I listen to the replay?
There is no expiration date on the replay recording. It’s yours forever, now and in the future!

Who will benefit from this class?
Parents of children, teens, or young adults who are struggling to foster their kid's sense of ownership. Professionals who support complex kids and their families will learn a powerful framework to use with their clients.

Is there a sliding scale available?
If you would like to request a financial scholarship, please email for more information.

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Yikes -- Is My Kid Going to Make it as an Adult?!
90 min Masterclass
Attend LIVE
(or listen to recording later)

Early Bird Price: $45 $35
(only good thru March 24)

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90 min Masterclass:
Monday, March 31
2:00 -3:30 PM EST (find your local time here)
There will be teaching, discussion, and live Q&A included in this class.

The replay recording will be available to watch and listen at your convenience with no expiration date - it’s yours forever!

Yikes -- Is My Kid Going to Make it as an Adult?! A Masterclass in Parenting for Independence

In this LIVE Masterclass, you'll discover:


The foundations of independence that are the starting points for agency.


Buildable steps to guide your child toward self-management.


How communication and collaboration empower buy-in and ownership.

Why paying attention to your approach has the highest yield for success.

Practical strategies to guide your child to take ownership of their responsibilities.

For Parents:
When you focus on the building blocks of independence, daily challenges like respectful communication and managing technology become stepping stones instead of battles.

Join us for a transformational masterclass and gain a clear roadmap to confidently guide your child to develop life skills, confidence, and autonomy -- without ever having to nag, micro-manage or second-guess yourself again!

For Professionals:
Learn a powerful framework to guide your clients and patients through a proven method to foster independence ... in children, teens or young adults.

Join us for a continuing education opportunity to shift your lens on parenting complex kids and enhance your professional toolbox with a tool that you'll find effective for working with children and adults.

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If you know this is for you but it is not financially within your reach, please inquire about our scholarship fund. Since the beginning of Impact in 2011, our commitment has been clear: we never want lack of funds to interfere with ANY parent's ability to learn the coach-approach.
Send us an email:
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