Early Bird Pricing: $45 $35
(only good thru March 24)
90 minute Master Class
in Parenting for Independence:
Yikes -- Is My Kid Going to Make it as an Adult?!
Attend LIVE or watch the recording
Early Bird Pricing: $45 $35
(only good thru March 24)
Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC, CPCC is a Master Certified Coach and co-founder of the global resource for parenting neurodiverse kids, ImpactParents.com. The co-creator of Sanity School®, an essential neuro-informed coach training for parents, she is passionate about guiding parents of complex kids and the professionals who support them to understand their kids (of all ages) well enough to guide them to understand and manage themselves. A mom to four complex young adults, she is the author of Parenting ADHD Now! and The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and More and the host of the Parenting with Impact podcast.
Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC, PCC is a professional coach, speaker, author, and educator with 20 years of corporate leadership experience. She is the co-Founder of ImpactParents.com, a global resource for parents of neurodiverse kids, and co-creator of Sanity School® Behavior Training program for Parents. The co-host of the Parenting with Impact podcast, she is an experienced leader, expert in change management, and all-around life-guide, Diane helps clients create deep, sustaining change and open their eyes to life. And no one needs this more than parents of complex kids.