Order | Parenting With Impact: Dr. Hallowell's Keys to Unlocking ADHD
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Parenting With Impact:
Dr. Hallowell's Keys to Unlocking ADHD

Improve family life with ADHD with Dr. Hallowell’s most essential wisdom.

Price: $47


If you have a child with ADHD or related challenges, then you probably try hard to figure out how to manage it. And sometimes it feels like there are key secrets locked behind an iron door.

But there is one expert in the world who understands how to unlock that door better than anyone - the world's leading psychiatrist on managing ADHD, Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell.

And there is one dynamic duo of parent coaches who have vast experience in helping parents understand and apply expert advice - the creators of ImpactParents.com, Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC & Diane Dempster, PCC.

These experts come together to create a spectacularly efficient video training that is as simple as it is effective. Now, in just one hour, you'll learn the 4 Keys to Unlock that iron door, and immediate strategies to improve life with ADHD kids and teens - forever.

In this four-part interview (each 15 minutes):

Dr. Hallowell discusses 4 key issues to unlock the challenges of managing ADHD for your kids.

Elaine & Diane teach specific strategies to make Dr. Hallowell suggestions work for your family life.

A workbook helps you capture your learning for your personal circumstances and turn it into action!

ADDED BONUS! 30 minute interview with Dr. Hallowell discussing his 5 Steps to Mastery!

“I really like the format of this video and workbook, which drives home Dr. Hallowell’s messages, provides coaching suggestions, and questions to help me reflect on the messages and how they relate to my life.  Well done!”
~ Dianne N., MA
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ImpactParents, LLC Guarantee, Terms and Conditions:

It is an extraordinary experience to watch parents transform their families and empower their kids, and that is the result we see most often with the members in ImpactParents programs. Because we place a high value on excellence, and are 100% committed to parents' growth and success, we have created this "Parenting with Impact” video, in collaboration with Dr. Ned Hallowell, to be an educational and positive experience for you. While we cannot guarantee that this one-hour video will transform your family dynamic, as we do with our interactive programs for members, we are willing to offer a no-risk 30 day guarantee that you’ll find benefit from this experience. If you complete the videos and all of the exercises, and still feel that they didn’t add any value to your life or knowledge-base, simply let us know and we will refund your money. Your active engagement is essential for this video to help you begin to create change, so there are no refunds for non-participation.
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